January is the most popular time to declare our New Year’s resolutions and create healthy habits. While the new year is a symbolic prompt for change and growth, the merits of nurturing healthy habits and well-being can be practiced year-round at Pure Sweat.

We believe that infrared sauna, floating, and contrast therapy with cold plunging are three of the most impactful modalities for mind, body, and spirit well-being. You have already taken this time for yourself by visiting us at Pure Sweat Studios ~ here are additional techniques you can incorporate to deepen your practice with us.

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What happens in the brain when we form a habit?

There is more to creating a habit than just the physical act. Your brain is a significant helper + companion in this process, with your neural pathways supporting the way!

During the early stages of habit formation, the decision parts of your brain (pre-frontal cortices) are activated, and the action requires being deliberate. When a new routine is initiated, our brain circuits – also called neural networks or pathways – are activated.

Repetition is key, with 21 days being the rule of thumb to form a new habit.  The more you repeat the new action, the stronger and more efficient these neural networks become. This process is called neuroplasticity, where your brain physically changes in response to repeated experiences. The decision parts of the brain no longer need to initiate the action. The habit is now activated in memory and becomes automatic: the neural networks can perform the habit without conscious thought!

Fun Fact: Do you notice how with repeated infrared sauna, cold plunge, or floating, you kick into the sweat, resilience, or meditation sooner? You have formed a physiological habit!

Podcast Recommendation: Mel Robbins + Dr. Jim Doty: How to Manifest Anything You Want & Unlock the Unlimited Power of Your Mind

Breathwork in Sauna, Float, Cold Plunge

Breathwork has risen in popularity in recent times, but its practice is timeless and innate to our being.

Here are simple, yet effective breathwork exercises you can do while in sauna, float or cold plunge that calm our parasympathetic nervous system, aiding in rest and stress reduction.

  • It begins with nasal breathing - breathing in and out through the nose - or as some say “the nose knows.”  When you breathe through your nose instead of your mouth, air is able to reach the lower lobes of your lungs, stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system.

  • A simple nasal breathing practice involves consciously inhaling deeply through your nose for 3 counts, feeling your belly rise with each breath, then exhaling slowly through your nose for 6 counts, repeating for several minutes.

  • Box breathing: Breathe in through your nose for a count of four; Hold your breath for a count of four. Exhale through your nose for a count of four; Hold your breath again for a count of four. Repeat several times.

Mindfulness + Positive Affirmations 

At Pure Sweat Studios, we know that in addition to the abundant health benefits our services provide, we are also providing you with space to heal + connect within.

Every visit to Pure Sweat is an opportunity for you to nurture presence and mindfulness. Let the world around you and within you be still, and you will unlock how alive you become. Here are techniques to support you:

Declare Positive Affirmations While in Session. Positive affirmations are empowering statements that improve your mental health. They also strengthen those neural pathways!

It begins with “I am.” 
Declare what you call into your being as an “I am” statement:

I am joy 

I am supported 

I am worthy 

I am freedom 

Take pause with each affirmation and be specific about what each entails. What are you doing in joy? Are you walking in nature? Are you present with your family or self? What does it feel like? 

It’s a fascinating process when we shift our mindset and energetic being to first believing, then attracting, then embodying who we declare to be in our lives. Positive affirmations teach us that the higher expressions of ourselves are not only deserving  - they are possible.

Share Gratitude

“Close your eyes, place your hand on your heart, and give thanks until you genuinely feel it,” Dr. Joe Dispenza

Identify + declare 3-5 experiences that bring you gratitude. This is both a practice in presence, neural pathways, and positive affirmations. Genuinely connect to the gratitude until you feel it. Perhaps that is a warmth in your body or a subtle smile on your face. The feeling is key - that’s what we call “the click” or embodiment.

Stretching + Recovery in Sauna

The Infrared sauna is a wonderful context for recovery. The mid infrared wavelength targets muscles and joints, reducing pain and inflammation. 

Stretching in infrared heat improves flexibility because we can work with elongating the passive range of motion of a deeply warmed muscle more effectively than a cold muscle. 

While in the sauna, stretch your arms, glutes, hamstrings, and legs. Use our complimentary body tools to relieve tight fascia. Open your diaphragm and stretch your neck, side to side. Get in touch with your physical being! 

Dry January, Sober Resets + Community

Throughout the year, we celebrate Sober Sauna Nights, our signature time to enjoy a night of well-being that doesn’t involve alcohol.

Dry January is a popular prompt to reset our relationship with alcohol. A detoxifying infrared sauna supports the physical cleanse; cold plunging will snap you into mental resilience, and floating will calm your nervous system, alleviating the desire to drink, numb or escape. Chances are, you’ll find your sleep improves; you wake up more productive, and your relationship with self + others become more clear.

Community is also something we all need. Stay for a cup of tea, join our events - we love to connect in community!

In Conclusion: Our greatest joy is supporting your well-being through your practice at Pure Sweat. Remember, the hardest part of creating a habit is beginning it! Create accountability with a membership, book your sessions in advance, or share with us your goals for the new year. We are here for it  - and you. When you feel good, life is good! 


