Shorter days, reduced sunlight and weather change make the perfect breeding ground for seasonal depression, resulting in low energy and depressive symptoms.

We help tons of clients each year with seasonal depression. You do not have to suffer in this alone. Infrared sauna, floating and cold plunging are all effective therapies to keep your mood and motivation steady throughout this time. Here’s how Pure Sweat can help.

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Defined as a depressive disorder most often occurring in the fall and winter seasons, “Seasonal Affective Disorder is estimated to affect 10 million Americans, with another 10 to 20 percent with mild SAD,” states Psychology Today.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the specific cause of seasonal affective disorder can include:

  • Your biological clock (circadian rhythm). The reduced level of sunlight in fall and winter may cause winter-onset SAD. This decrease in sunlight may disrupt your body's internal clock and lead to feelings of depression.

  • Serotonin levels. A drop in serotonin, a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that affects mood, might play a role in SAD. Reduced sunlight can cause a drop in serotonin that may trigger depression.

  • Melatonin levels. The change in season can disrupt the balance of the body's level of melatonin, which plays a role in sleep patterns and mood.

Symptoms include: Feeling depressed, losing interest in activities, low energy, changes in sleep patterns, feeling hopeless, and changes in appetite.


Hundreds of research findings confirm the many physical health benefits provided by regular sauna bathing. Infrared sauna heat calms your body and your mind. Sitting by yourself in a sauna facilitates a meditative state by giving you the time and space to organize chaotic thoughts, ponder possible solutions to problems, and de-stress your body and mind. Beyond the calming affects of a sauna session, infrared saunas stimulate many physiological responses as well.

New and exciting research regarding psychological sauna health benefits indicate that heat can improve mental health, relieve depression and exert calming effects on people with mild to moderate anxiety. Scientists think that stimulating the skin and underlying tissues with heat activates serotonin-releasing cells in the brain, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, appetite, sleep, and motivation.

People diagnosed with depression, anxiety, seasonal affective disorder, and panic disorder have significantly lower than normal levels of serotonin. This is why doctors routinely prescribe antidepressants for increasing serotonin levels in the brain. 

Infrared saunas have been shown to optimize the production and reception of other natural antidepressants, including oxytocin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. During periods of depression, individuals will often experience nervous tension and persistent agitation, making it difficult to truly experience a relaxed, zen-like state. Infrared saunas stimulate endorphin and oxytocin release, the chemicals we most often associate with peace and contentment.

Infrared saunas also stimulate blood flow throughout your body, as heat penetrates your soft tissues and muscles. Your brain needs a fresh supply of oxygenated blood to function and regulate properly. While in the sauna, inhale deeply to enjoy the benefits of saunas on cognition and the brain.

Getting a good night's sleep every night is essential to your physical and mental well-being. Research indicates that infrared sauna therapy may induce sleep-modulating effects caused by disruptions in the circadian cycle. There is also evidence that relaxing in gentle heat, like in an infrared sauna, can be part of a great bedtime routine which improves sleep quality by promoting relaxation, healthy circadian rhythm and sleep drive. 

We often speak about the physical benefits of infrared saunas, but along with those benefits, we notice that when our bodies feel well, it’s much easier for our minds to be at rest and find calm within ourselves. Naturally, with continued use of the sauna, people find themselves relaxing more easily. This leads to better sleeping patterns, lowered cortisol levels, and in turn reduces anxiety and stress.

Our cabins feature many customizable qualities that can facilitate de-stressing, such as chromotherapy and tranquil music. Clients will also use their sauna time for stretching, breath work, yoga poses and meditation. It is quite common for us to hear how the Studio is someone’s “happy place.”


In addition to infrared sauna heat therapy, our cabins offer chromotherapy (or color therapy), the science of using colors to adjust body vibrations to frequencies that result in health and harmony. This is a wonderful companion when in sauna. Each color possesses frequencies of a specific vibration, and each vibration is related to different physical symptoms.

Specific colors found to help mood enhancement include:

  • Green - universal healing color, cleanses + balances energy, may assist hormonal imbalances, relaxes muscles and nerves, (most recommended for SAD)

  • Red - boost energy + bring warmth, promote healing

  • Blue - encourages relaxation, helps with sleep issues, anti-stress, calming


Float therapy has been scientifically proven to lower anxiety, blood pressure and cortisol levels, which directly combat the effects of stress on the body’s systems. In a society filled with non-stop stimuli and messaging, floating offers a chance to unplug and experience a complete mind and body reset. It’s also a nurturing environment for prayer, breath work, visualization and positive affirmations; and just like any practice, the benefits of floating grow with continued use.

When you float, the body’s largest organ - your skin - absorbs all the benefits of magnesium and dramatically affects the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, and muscular systems. Benefits include:

  • Lowered stress levels - Floating combats stress in two main ways. First, the water’s magnesium inhibits ACTH, a hormone that drives your adrenal glands to release the stress hormone cortisol. In a recent study, people who floated eight times in two weeks saw their cortisol decrease by 21.6 percent. They also showed a 50.5 percent decrease in cortisol variability, meaning, they handled stressful situations better without the cortisol spikes.

  • Decreased anxiety and depression - Under stress, your hypothalamus (the almond-sized part of your brain just above your brain stem) signals your adrenal glands to release the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Chronic stress leads to an overactive hypothalamus, which can lead to depression and fatigue. Floating decreases cortisol levels, subsequently resulting in diminished anxiety and depression. As Dr. Mark Hyman states, “you must have magnesium for your cells to make energy.” An energized body will help combat seasonal sluggishness.

  • Improved Sleep + Rest - Magnesium also improves sleep + rest quality, which contribute to mood enhancement. Many of our clients equate floating to having had a really effective power nap. While floating, the body is induced into a parasympathetic state, allowing all of its functions to rest, digest, and recharge.

We offer various float customizations for clients to create their own tranquil experience, including ambient lighting, guided meditations, and zen music; and there is nothing more immersive than going what we call “baby in the womb” - with the lid closed, lights and music off - as you float in a warm, nurturing environment. For those experiencing chronic seasonal depression, we recommend integrating float therapy as a regular practice of your wellness routine.


Immersion in cold water has powerful mood-boosting benefits.

The exposure to cold water causes your blood vessels to constrict and then dilate upon warming, promoting better blood flow, oxygenation and detoxification through your lymphatic system.

Cold plunging also spikes the production of norepinephrine, a hormone and neurotransmitter that boosts alertness, attention and energy, in addition to triggering the release of endorphins, the body's natural "feel-good" chemicals. Many people experience an elevated mood + burst of energy after cold plunging, with a wake-up call to their cognitive focus.

Submerging yourself in cold water also takes courage! By challenging your mind and body with cold water immersion, you can build resilience and mental strength. This can help you better manage times of stress and power through the dark days of winter—or any other challenges that come your way.

Ready to combat seasonal depression? We look forward to supporting you!


